Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dylan and Stuff

Hey all,

Firstly, I need to ask Sarah, did you watch the first half of the PBS/OPB running of the Bob Dylan movie by Scorsese (sp?)? The second half is on tonight, and I am taping it. I suppose you might have the DVD or something; at least I remember you loving Dylan?

The first 15 minutes or so captures Hibbing, as it was and is, and how Dylan pretty much hated it and didn't feel at home until downtown New York/Greenwich Village; his influences (including Guthrie, Dylan Thomas and Kerouac); and it definitely kept my ass on the couch.

Anyways, just working at the iSoldit store still, writing descriptions all day. Laura and I just took some Ballroom dancing lessons that I bought her for her birthday. We learned some steps, and we have a group lesson on Friday--frightening. The instructor, Monica, likes to chit-chat while we dance, and I find it very difficult to dance, let alone have a conversation while learning how to dance.

Oh, I sent off another batch of poems to the Atlantic. Haha. I am not sure why, I felt much scorn after the last rejection, but I guess I would have to agree that my older stuff is dribble. Oh well, I'll see what comes of it all.

I am also going to two consecutive Saturday orientations for the Oregon Literacy Foundation, so I can get involved tutoring. I hope I can free up some time to do so, I would really like to employ the expensive degree that I really don't use professionally. One would argue my descriptions are better edited than 99% on eBay, but damn, it doesn't take much...

Kris, hang in there bro; and of course, I mean this regarding NDSU and their relentless attacks on paying students to do infinite legwork, that may or may not help in the long run.

Sarah, you'll see Noam huh? Cool. I have never read or studied much of his philophies and such, but when April rolls around, please do inform us on his manner. I have a small fetish for analyzing famous people’s mannerisms, and see how it may or may not affect the overall message conveyed. Damn rhetoric!

Erik, I guess your up, dude.

Later dude


Blogger Linger said...

P.S. I learned "Blackbird" by the Beatles on my Martin that I found in the dumpster. (I am not entirely sure if everyone here knows this story.)

5:34 PM  
Blogger K said...

I ABSOLUTELY *LOVE* Anonymous posting! HILARIOUS! You may have a fetish for famous mannerisms, but I have a fetish for analyzing junk messages. Here: Who are "they" that the writer is referring to? Why mention Instapundit (instapundit.com) - a political weblog from the right. And what the hell does any of this have to do with Bob Dylan? Seriously - http://www.credoninc.com? What a load, say it like Scottie the Scotsman from Austin Powers, C-RAP!

Blackbird is a great song. "Take these broken wings and learn to fly," Chris.

8:21 PM  

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