Sunday, August 22, 2004


Hey everyone,

Laura and I are finally getting settled into our new 1 bdrm apartment. I am able to post due to a curiosity test involvoing me, my wireless card, and my computer....hehehehe.......I'm being a naughty boy and leeching off of the dudes wireless network below.....hehehehehe. We'll get our own soon enough, I just need a job first.

Hey Kris, thanks for the sweet, sweet haiku. It makes me want to break out some cinnamon bread and spread some cheez whiz, and of course savor the sweet combo! I left my resume and a note on the back with Dr. Brooks and Salting, so no "hello's" are necessary for me.

Sarah, I also would like to know how and what grad school is like.....if you don't mind another inquiring mind. Good luck with the speech class!

Erik, dude.....sea kayaking just sounds too fun. I don't blame you for a sec for not blogging. Although, keep bloggin'!

Well, I'm heading out tomorrow to find a job....hopefully meet some people in the publishing biz. There are some publishers in the area, so I'll attempt to meet with someone to discuss my future, hehehehe....

Oh, by the way, it's very strange knowing how far away I am from home and that home is (possibly) here in Oregon...or as these incessant Oregonians pronounce it, "Or-eh-gIn." WHO CARES!!!!

Alright, gotta go explore the area with Laura.

Later dudes and dudette,

The Chris Man

P.S. I will post my latest draft of one of my poems soon...if this leeching still works that is....


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