Saturday, July 31, 2004


thanks for catchin up, your thoughts are very well formulated, as for
*First, "the title [Agenbite of Inwit] (originally spelled "Ayenbite of Inwyt") means 'the remorse of conscience', literally, 'the again-biting of inner wit'."*

I must humbly admit i do not understand the source or meaning of this sentence, nor how it applies to my statement. If you could be so kind and explain these things, I would appreciate it. gratz



Blogger K said...

But of course I will explain.

"agenbite of inwit" is a phrase repeated throughout Ulysses by Joyce. (Extremely highly recommended by the way; Chris can tell you how I rave. I used to hear that the novel was the "greatest ever written" - I had reservations about that because I've read some great stuff. Needless to say, I affirm that it is the greatest ever, without question. Things can compare, but not to the same level.)

Here is a link, explaining the phrase a bit more (which in retrospect, I shoud've posted):

It says on that site, "repeated bite or wound of introspection, self-analysis, and self-awareness" - I don't think science needs to unlock the secret inner workings of the human; rather, people just need to look back and analyze what has happened, looking at their motives (US and terrorist alike) and introspect and then we won't have the problems. People need to have remorse, need to continue to think and not act on impulses. [Side note: Some might argue against a woman as president (or in politics), stating that her mood swings would swing her decisions. Seems to me the same thing happens with males.]

Personally (and I've said it repeatedly for the past year) I still regard the whole Iraq war as a mad-dash to attack. I mean, come on, Bush comes on TV giving a little speech about how Saddam has two days...and then, it's time to "shock and awe".

10:26 PM  
Blogger K said...

And, one more thing, I just wanted to apologize for the confusion that my post might've created for the three of you. Sometimes I just do that, you'll have to bear with me. I was just playing.

10:27 PM  

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