Saturday, July 17, 2004

some quick adjustments

Sup everyone,

Let's start with, i reread Erik's post about my revision and I finally realized what his comment on prepositions was referring to....I freakin' missed and messed up that oh so important end of the first paragraph.....I intially wrote, "on the keyboard of the computer," and it occured to me the non-stupido way of saying that would be, "particularly the computer keyboard."

Man I can sure pull off some good grammar blunders on occassion!  And Erik, if you were referring to something on a much larger/small scale, just let me know ;-)

Also, another "QUICK adjustment" is the rapid-fire movement of life. Laura and I will be moving to Portland, OR this mid-to-end of august. She was accepted into the graduate program at George Fox University, so now we are scrambling to plan our move!!!!!

I just finished my last class at NDSU, Arguementation & Debate, this last Friday (7-16-04). If there is one thing I learned is that I am freakin awesome at Cross Examination! I butchered my
opponents....'twas grand! I think I was inspired by my years of watching Law &Order.

My plan of action out in Portland is to find a JOB, JOB and then volunteer my writing/editing services at a local organization to not only gain experience, but get involved in the first place.

Love to hear what's going on in your dudette and dudes' lives. Drop the blog bomb!

Missing my English fellows, both mind and soul,

The Chris Man


Blogger K said...

I will get around to reading your actual post down there, Chris. It's just that I'm still struggling to find time to do what I must. I am the worst time manager ever. Probably has something to do with never being at home.

You gotta keep posting up as you move into the new place. Best of luck in Oregon you pimp. Keep us all updated. Also, congrats are in order for Mrs. Lindgren. ;-)

8:53 PM  
Blogger K said...

Grammar is nothing; thirst is everything. Obey your thirst. Or, in Argentine: "hácele caso a tu sed."

Sometimes I wish Dr. Salting didn't screw up my overcorrectiveness when it comes to grammar and spelling. For me now, it's all in the name of spontaneity, and the bullshit poetics of Kerouac and the streaming of Joyce. What is the world coming to? To quote a word by Joyce, "endlessnessnessnessness." I wonder if you people (politically correct, in some parts) read comments, but I wouldn't mind someone to gives thoughts about that word.

What a genius.

1:56 AM  

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