Tuesday, July 06, 2004

hey everyone, thanks for keepin the blog up and runnin while i've been so silent. It is hard to write here on the computer since the laptop must remain plugged into the phone jack which is in the living room right next to the television, with 7 people living in the house it is a rare time when there is not someone talking or the tv is on. things go good here, things fall apart and are tenuously replaced yaddah yaddah yaddah, saw my first sea monster yaddah yaddah yaddah, got real drunk yaddah yaddah yaddah. I will write more later,

Chris read over your story just now, it is poignant for me as I find myself in the same situation as the woman in your story, clingy and smoking too much. I do find a underlying sense of tension in your story, of borderline panic, and i like that. If i remember correctly the first version of the story i think you've made some good revisional decsions, seems pretty tight, less is more, less is more, less is more. and you know i love the closure!! I think maybe it would be beneficial for us to challenge ourselves and tackle some of the writing points we feel uncomfortable in (like choosing the correct prepositions :) maybe you could write a snippet of what happens when the boyfriend does come over there is so much going on whenever love (or it's pinata)is present.

talk to all

once again thanks for writing everyone, i love to hear you all,


Blogger K said...

"less is more, less is more, less is more" - If your first name is Ernest, you're earnest and your last name rhymes with Emingway. Mua ha ha.

1:52 AM  

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