Saturday, July 03, 2004

Crutched to the Pacific and Back

So I just got back from Portland, and BOOM! the blog be alive! I like it. Anyways, the misfortune that is my ankle injury didn't stop me from enjoying my time with Laura in Portland, OR.

We stayed at the 5th Ave. Suites which was also housing the remaining members of the Grateful Dead. Never ran into them, oh well, much too much to do with Laura.....Lindgren, muuuaaaaa hahahahahaha! We checked out the local Portland scene and then on the second day we took the local MAX Light Rail over to the Japanese Gardens and neighboring Rose Gardens. I'll spare ya'll the details, but just to let you know it was quite the hike with crutches, yet much worth the workout. We then rode back to the Center Square and "recooped" for the next day of travel.

We then rented an Explorer and went westward towards the Pacific. Oregon, if you didn't know, is home to numerous vineyards, so within the beautiful valleys bordered by mountains are family vineyards who offer free taste testing. The only drawback to this idea is that mundane detail/law known as drinking and driving, darn! :-(

We simply enjoyed each other's company. We have not had that kind of time together for a long time and I cherished every second.

Oh ya, we went to a sweet Powell's Boookstore and I just recently finished my borrowed copy of Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5, so I picked up a copy of Rushdie's, Fury and man is it reading good so far. The crazy thing about the book is Rushdie's insight to city life and the exact same ideas I had as soon as I started crutching around the city. Just meant to be I guess :-)

Anyways, gotta go to the bathroom now. TTYS

The Chris Man


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