Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Insight to Injury--with no insight

Hey everyone,

Erik, I'm sorry about the loss. I pray your family can find peace.

Now it seems almost vulgar to speak of, but I just wanted you peeps to know that I am typing to you from my bed, with a pulsating right ankle, neslted within a splint. I, Chris Lindgren, was having a most excellent Bachelor's Party on Sunday. My Groomsmen and I brought guns and ammo and shot and shot guns, smoked cigars, went canoeing and drank some beers and I smoked a couple more cigars in the canoe. It was pretty sweet. I gave my groomsmen their Samurai Swords, with the carved characters that read youyi on the scabbard, which means "profound friendship" or "fellowship". It was great. Then we all did some late night trampoline jumping as the hot dogs cooked on the late night grill. When the dogs were done, everyone but Trev and I went inside. We remained on the tramp. We were doing flips and such, each outdoing the other. Until, I tried something pretty stupid. I tried a front flip, immediately followed by a black flip. The good news is that I landed on my two feet, the bad news is that my right ankle buckled and made the most gruesome crackle-pop noise. The noise and buckle you can only see on ESPN highlights. Grant and Jake drove me back to Fargo, to Innovis and the ER Doctor told me I needed to have surgery and had to come back tomorrow and talk to a Dr. Piatt. So anyways, I had surgery on my right ankle because it is an "Unstable Fracture." I now have hardware, to be specific, I have a plate and 6 screws within my body.

Well, I will have to indulge everyone with the details later. I have to work on the Wedding presentation. The wedding is on Friday!

All I know is that it feels wierd to have metal underneath my skin.


The Chris Man


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