Thursday, July 22, 2004

hey guys, woo new font!   pretty!

Kris thnx for the comments, they all get emailed to me automatically so it's like i'm getting emails...exciting for one in the frozen north!

i want to clear up the preposition statement that has created some stir amongst the natives...  the context was

"tackle some of the writing points we feel uncomfortable in (like choosing the correct prepositions :)"  

'in' being the nasty preposition that caused so much confusion.  I agree with kris as he touts the fluidity of language used by Joyce and Kerouac and believe that breaking rules is how new rules get made, but it is important to be going somewhere when you leave the beaten path, I too often find myself breaking the rules of 'fine lit-er-a-ture' out of lazyness or ignorance in which case a quick slap on the wrist is what i deserve. 

kris, about my plans, i'll be home for a bit at the beginning of october till nov or so.  its either colorado or maui next...already been to steamboat, but got a friend moving there and would be cool to live with him.  but alot of people who work up here go to work in maui on the whale watchin boats down there and i will know a bunch of people living there who could help me get a job.  so we'll find out.

talk later all



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