Thursday, May 05, 2005

hey everybody,

great to hear from everyone. Its good to hear about your finals Sarah and Kris, its the one time of the year that it feels good to be out of school. However, at the moment I am working a landscaping job, building flagstone patios and pathways and setting up irrigation for all the rich people in steamboat. Its tough work, but pays well and its nice to be outside. I get up at 6 everyday and am in bed by 9 30 or 10...pretty lame i know, but i do get to go fishing after work and on the weekends so its alright. This weekend i am attending a fly fishing clinic put on by one of the local fly shops. its a 2 day event 8 hours each day and they take you out to lakes rivers and ponds and give you pointers on your cast, teach you knots, stuff like that. should be helpful. I have moved into a condo here in the boat. its cool, fireplace and hot tubs and such, but the main selling point for me was the 61 inch tv my roomate has. man, xbox is heavenly on that thing.

hmm, am reading the hitchikers guide for the umpteenth time in preparation of the movie. i swear you can read these books 50 times and completly forget about whole sections. its so damn fragmented, its hard enough to remember whats going on from page to page. but brilliant.

I'm sorry i haven't been in a very literary mood lately, very little writing being done. I miss it, and may just have to sign up for grad school for something to do. Kris, i liked your poem, you have a way with words that i don't understand. :)

somethins been bugging me lately as i pick up one stone, and then set it down. maybe you guys can figure it out for me. the earth spins right? well, does the entire atmosphere spin? is that why we can have calm days, if so why does the air move as well as the land? gravity? anyways, its one of those things that your brain jumps on the second you turn your back, and then the decivious bastard just sits and plays with it like it has nothing better to do. hmmm.... anyways, kinda long winded, but i've been holdin my breath here for a while...


ps. sarah, do i remember you saying something about maybe coming out here this summer? or am i making things up?



Blogger K said...



I normally don't laugh when reading these things - that was hilarious, Erik.


8:32 PM  

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