Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Sarah, I don't know how grad school can only be a "little" more focused than last year. I'm killing myself with not having focus right now. It's been one day and I already know that I'm going to hate at least one class.

That's what I get for also going the English Education route. (Biggest mistake of my life!) Honestly, I think my time would've been better spent with a Philosophy degree, plus I think the job that I would get from such a degree would be about three times better than teaching high school English. KILL ME NOW!

(Side note to Chris: I officially have three classes with Byron Engberg. However, I guess that pales in comparison to have ONE class with Amy Taggart--sorry Sarah, if you like her, there are some hard feelings between she, Chris and I.)

My courses:
French 101 (req'd for Spanish major.)
English 467 (Capstone indeed!)
English 458 (Taggart in the flesh! ...only I would be so lucky!)
English 451 (Good old loyal Saltin'.)
Biology 315 (Still have not completed Science generals (can you blame me?))
Education 482 (Let the murder begin!)

Yeah, we're spending half our days in Capstone in a computer cluster in Morrill and the other half in the basement of Askanase (a foolish move, methinks). However, I get to read Huxley, Orwell, C.S. Lewis, Atwood, Vonnegut (and others) for the Capstone. Sounds a little better than what you guys had to do, doesn't it? Oh yeah, and it's official...no creative writing senior projects are allowed. (BASTARDS!)

I'm anxious to hear more about your lives. After all, you've all already lived my life (minus the intolerable Dr. Shaw). I'm using bold. Must be the hatred that accompanies the busy work in the book(aka piece of crap) "Write to Learn" for Educ 482.


Blogger Linger said...

Hey Kris...So what kind of Biology class is 315? Just curious.

9:41 AM  

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