Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Hey Erik,

By no means am I inferring anything, when I specifically ask you if you have ever drank "Shiner Bock" beer, based out of Texas?

A buddy of mine here, who is from that area, introduced it to me. It's damn good.

Also, I am jealous of steps 1-4. You suck, and you should ......, well I'll stop there. I just got a glimpse of Mt. Hood today (the clouds were gone for once!), and Hood was completely white. Ugg.

Okay. More schedules, Sarah? Kris?

my usual day:

depends if I drank the night before...

if not then:

Wake up around 9 am
Catch the bus up to the mountain and go snowboarding until about 1
Come down get changed and a bite to eat
start work at 1:30 or so
work until 9 30
go home,
take a bath,
read a book,
go to bed...

If i partied the night before, then omit everything before Step 4. :)



Hello all,

I am curious. What is a typical day for each of you? If there is no patter, what happened yesterday?

Here is mine:

Wake Up (7-8am)

Get ready for work, etc.

Drive to Salem for work (9-10am)

List things on ebay (10am-7pm)

Drive home (7pm-8pm)

Read, play guitar, chat, write, etc. (8pm-1am)


I should note, those are my five work day experiences. My days off can be drastically different, and do not require 100miles of travel either.....


Friday, February 03, 2006

In the pursuit...


I feel quite boring, after I read everyone elses posts.

Although, I am not envious, because, I suppose that I have my own crazy path, including bills, eBay, loving my dear wife (who now blogs), the pursuit of wisdom, the pursuit of music (I am now in a band), and the everlasting pursuit of God (which encompasses everything in the former).

I wish I could elaborate further, but I am at work describing crappy antique silver bells (supposedly collectible).

Good hearing from everyone.
