Tuesday, February 07, 2006

my usual day:

depends if I drank the night before...

if not then:

Wake up around 9 am
Catch the bus up to the mountain and go snowboarding until about 1
Come down get changed and a bite to eat
start work at 1:30 or so
work until 9 30
go home,
take a bath,
read a book,
go to bed...

If i partied the night before, then omit everything before Step 4. :)



Blogger Linger said...


To note, that is me in my profile pic. I pulled off a Method 360.

Although, I can only toot my own horn in past tense. I am sure that trick, including the inverted 540 has left my repertoire.

Good times....

P.S. Avoid rails at all costs. I have a red paint streak mark on the ass-crack of my boarding pants to back up that claim.

8:29 PM  

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