Monday, June 27, 2005

revisions and ku-ku haikus

Hey all,

Kris, I got your revision. I read it during my break, here at the aiport. Unfortunately, I cannot comment on it, since this puter only has Word Viewer 97, but it is on its way. (I think its friggin great).

Well, I was working this morning (5am), and found a book of haikus. The author, David Bader, wrote 100 or so haikus that sum up classic literature peices. I copied down my faves:

The Canterbury Tales

Pilgrimmes on sprying braecke--
roadde trippe! Whoe farrtted? Yiuw didde.
Noe, naught meae. Yaes, yiuw.

The Inferno

Abandon all hope!
Looks like everyon's down here.
Omigod--the Pope!

Moby Dick

Vengeance! Black blood! Aye!
Doubloons to him that harpoons
the Greenpeace dinghy.

The Count of Monte Cristo

Gallant avenger.
Egg-dipped cheese sandwich. Thy name
is Monte Cristo.

Crime and Punishment

I, Rodya, killed her
to prove my theory. Uh-oh.
Back to square oneski.


Like the cicada,
Molly takes many years to
say, "Yes" to Leo.

Finnegan's Wake

Riverrun on and
by Jaisus s'dense! Bien alors,

And there you have the faves of the bunch. There were a few others, but they had some eccentricities that I could not quickly copy. Hope you enjoyed the mix of ku-ku haikus.

Later all,

The Chris Man goneth

Friday, June 24, 2005

Share time

Hey all,

As you may or may not know, I currently work (for two more weeks) at Powell's Bookstore, an independent bookstore here in Oregon. Anyways, I thought it was a pretty cool day at work. Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club, Choke, and Haunted, etc.) came into the store to sign some copies. He just dropped by, (I guess he does that, since he is from Portland) and grabbed what was in stock and signed a bunch as I put on the ole "Autographed" sticker on the cover--seemed like a cool dude. I didn't really chat with the guy, since I have only seen the movie, (and not read his books).

Well, I ended up buying an autographed copy of "Fight Club." Have any of you read the book, or any of his stuff? I was thinking of selling it on ebay. :-) To note, that is my new job, come July 6th. I will be the dude who writes the descriptions for a iSoldIt eBay Drop-off store in Salem, OR. I'm pretty pumped, as I am an ebay nut.

Well, share time is over. Thanks for listening.

Later all,


good to hear from everyone, sorry i've been a lazy ass. Kris's post with the link to the Jet teacher took me out of hibernation though. Its really weird, because I have within the last 2 weeks decided to pursue a job through Jet and go to Japan. I had to go back through the posts twice to make sure I hadn't already said that, but it doesn't look like i had. So Kris, that site was both entertaining and helpful..thanks!

I figure i will do that for a year and then go back to school. who knows...

Kris didn't you go to Peru or something and come back with a beard...(how the fuck do you spell beard?) huh...anyways, what did you do there?

anyways talk to you all later


oh ya happy birthday Kris!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Star Wars III - The Short Version

Hey all,

If you have a little time, check out this modified, concise script that parodies Episode III. It's pretty funny.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

'Freedom' A Taboo Word On Chinese

Freedom' A Taboo Word On Chinese Internet
Chinese bloggers, even on foreign-sponsored sites, had better choose their words carefully - the... 6/2005 AP

Hey all,

I thought this was an interesting story. If you click on the link and then click on the video link (Freedom A Taboo Word on Chinese Internet) under the "World Headlines." It should then load, then play.

Microsoft (and I guess any country that does business with China) are certainly aiding in the blatant goverment control on the flow of information to and from the Chinese people. I say blatant because, here, in America, we have other means of control, i.e. consumerism.

If you watch another story about the annual flux of cricket sales in the Cambodian streetmarkets, you might think (like I did) how Cambodian's would thrive on Fear Factor, compared to us, who lavish ourselves with cheeseburgers and pasta from the Olive Garden statewide.

Alright, enough cynical junk--I happen to enjoy the Olive Garden every now and then, except now my wife works at a restaurant that is better than the Olive Garden, and she gets a discount--cha ching!


Scary Boogey Blogger

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'm the Boogy-blogger-monster

I seem to effectively scare away everyone when I blog, hence the title.



Thursday, June 09, 2005

Contests no more.

Hey all,

I just thought I would update everyone with my current standings, but before I should mention to Kris that I sent comments on your latest revision posted here to your email.

Well, the quick version is that I hurt my back 9 weeks ago and have been going through physical therapy. I lost my job because of the injury, and have been able to collect workmens comp throughout these 9 weeks (thank God!). I just got a job at Powell's Bookstore in the Portland Airport, and today I just recieved notice that my compensation has expired. The way God weaves what we call circumstance is utterly inexplicable.

Anyways, the title of this post relates to a poetry contest (Sarah Lawrence College) I entered in March. I just went to the website to check up on the contest; apparently, some dude already won. I wasn't expecting to win, but I guess I'm through entering these darn things--I'd like to put my resources (monetary and creative) elsewhere. To note, here is a poem from the guy who won the contest (Vertigo). It isn't his winning poem, but in case your interested; there ya go.

Out of the frustration of trying to break the publishing barrier, I was thinking of starting a website that would simply start with our stuff. An online literary journal of sorts, containing flash fiction, short stories, and poetry--more on that later, but I also mentioned to Kris that we should get together on a book of poetry that contains poems of structure and form...the lame title I thought of Form Reborn...gotta work on that... Here is a sonnet I just recently finished, discussing the issue of consumerism and how it contributes to racial divisions within the Church. I try to use polar opposites of status through SUVs and public transportation. Enjoy.<>

En Route To Christ
By Chris Lindgren
8 June 2005

To Christ! En route in SUV’s; tenure
Achieved, no matter who it shall impede,
And stainless cliques adored galore concede:
Their SUV’s will drive them to grandeur.
Windowed monads bursting forth; whose Savior
Kerouacting out one’s dingledodied
Life of surreptitious Zip-Coon-Dandied-
Deeds—segregating, driving to Zior.
Betwixt all this, a transit hub contains
The Jimmy Crowed anew—reconciled
With whose Savior takes the public buses
Too. Are we each others keepers? Whilst Cain,
I drive a stick? Christus, I defiled
Trumping over lower, ebon classes.

Sarah, I taught a Creative writing course with middle schoolers for a quarter, and man that was tough..I feel your pain. Good Luck with those punks.

Erik, where you at dude? Been writing lately?

Robert, I guess, is in Spain or something.

Kris, as you said, "I know about you, I know you."

Later all