Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Another Poem!

Hey All,

I've been in the poetry mood as of late, so here is another one for your eyes....if you choose to read it :-) It's a free verse poem, but the "Eloi, Eloi lama sabachthani" did not quite format correctly, but it works...... Enjoy!

Infidelity Gaits Across the Chatroom Floor
By Chris Lindgren

Here, I do not move, or quake, or tremble if you prefer.
My feet meet none while fingers fly and mouths hinge open openly.
Here my blind feet tread over the
sea of Beezlebubbling ideas.


Here, I hear Ginsberg97 howling of the demise of America’s gaiety, while
My eyes find bannered above, soliciting Black Jack T’s, just as

My mistress plus_amour coyly types up, “14F SoCal So fun ;-);-).”


Here, I walk over our children lying, coveted with perverse blankets of lies, and
Here, I ask why adults feel secure with Mr. McAfee watching their backdoor? But
There, squirms the worm, the purveyor lies, the elymas, the Bar-Jesus.


Here, my fear ferments within cocked fists, fisting in and out of the abyss, while
Here, Gen-X’d Booming Babes search everywhere but anywhere for love, and
Here dexterous, sex-stamping tips tip-toe over Baal-esque, ASCII’d bodies.



Blogger K said...

I almost have comments for you, Chris.

I'm going to let this latest poem mill a little bit more, but I will send you back the Word file for the updates to my other comments.

12:27 AM  

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