Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Simply A Long Blog, but hopefully good

Hello All,

Well, North Korea has come out of the closet. Their Vice Foreign Minister has proclaimed that there nuclear proliferation is simply a deterrent, and of course, simply self-defense. Here is the previous Nuke Blog Stats:

"According to information compiled by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, an organization devoted to monitoring the status of the nuclear threat worldwide, nine countries had nukes by April 2004. The nine countries are listed below. Each figure includes the approximate number of both tactical and strategic bombs (nuclear and thermonuclear, or "big" and "really humongous").

Country Warheads

United States 10,455
Russia 8,400
China 400
France 350
Israel* 250
United Kingdom 200
India** 65
Pakistan** 40
North Korea*** 8
TOTAL 20,168

Well, I wonder if this will be brought up in the Presidential Debate? I have been meaning to bring up a book written by George Farah called, "No Debate." It details the control the top two political parties have over the "Debate," and how it is actually not even a debate anymore, due to all of the systems of control. It is simply a facade. It is suprising how much of our history is rittled with government lies and cover-ups. Just last night, I was watching a PBS show called History Detectives, (good show I might add), and they were trying to find out if a certain pair of propellers off the coast of Maine were, in fact, propellers to a German U-Boat (853 to be exact), that sunk a US navy ship off the eastern coastline. The amazing part of the story is that the ship was not officially recorded sunk by the U-Boat, but by a "boiler accident." The case was reopened in 2001 and just proved presently that it was sunk by U-Boat 853...(and the propellers were that of 853 :-)

The point is: I find it amazing how our government/military takes over the press during war time, and I wonder how much we don't actually know about US Foreign Relations.

Oh by the way, I also just learned of another historical story mirroring our (US') situation in Iraq. The Roman Empire, in 70A.D., handled a "holy war," with the Jewish dubbed Zealots in a much more viscious way than us, (as far as we know now :-). This Jewish Zealot sect, which can be traced back to Simon the Zealot, (one of the 12 Disciples of Christ--he converted), was a terrorist group, that hated the Romans with a distinct passion, mirroring the Al Qaeda we read, or watch about on TV. Anyways, eventually these "pests" were eradicated by the Romans after Soldiers stamped out over 900 Jewish Villages. This makes our war look very P.C.

Okay info-share time is over :-)

Kris, just to let you know, I got the package and thanks a ton. Thanks also for the third party book. It looks very informative. Better than the other two. To clue in Sarah and Erik, Kris sent back 2 Grammar books of mine and a third of his own. Exciting!

Erik, Whittier sounds like a reoccurring dream I have. Very strange. I have this dream where I am in a building just like the one you described. I am not sure why I understand that that is so, but I know that this community lives under one roof, and any source of light is bleak. All I ever remember is wandering around in my boxers looking for the communal shower, naturally.

Sarah, missing out on Bob. Stink. I told Laura about it, since she lived 40 minutes away, and she had no idea who he even is. Laura is definitely a product of a strange brew. She is full of suprises. I digress......I am curious. Would you actually go up to him in such an environment? I have been subject to celebrity environments thanks to "Runner" gigs at the Fargodome, and one I was told not to be "fanny" or I would be fired, and two, it just seems wrong to fall into that gap. I did get to talk with Billy Joel only because he was very grounded and during his break in the performance he came and chatted with the production crew. I exchanged words with Max Weinberg, when The Boss came to the Dome. I was just walking over to the stage when he suddenly appeared. I felt compelled to say something because he was staring at me, so I looked at him and said, "Sup Max!" as I gave the ole head nod, and he exchanged the "sup" with a smirk. very interesting.

Well, I better go, but first a quick Oregon update: I work at Target--the pay sucks, so I am looking for another job. I applied for a tutoring position which pays very well and also a warehouse and delivery gig at a Building Materials company. It pays decent, and I have warehouse experience. I am thankful for the Target gig, but it is only temporary, due to the eventual lack of means to support my wife going through school. Also, I am thinking of returning to Grad school. I mentioned going into a Masters of Divinity program before, but did not follow through simply because Laura is going through the Grad process, so I wanted to support her. I honestly believe that I am being called, (if you will), into the Pastoral setting. Possibly a youth pastor. Ever since I was in High School this lingering feeling has drawn me to that position. Frankly, I have been scared to pursue it. But I will stop here and elaborate later.

Good tidings to all,

The Chris Man


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