Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I was just typing up an assignment for Sullivan's class and my computer pulled the spontaneous reset action. Unlike the last time (when I was working on Chris's Dis- poem), my work was not destroyed this time. (That's because it was actually written out, and not in the comments portion.) Whew. I nearly had a heart attack. I wanted to scream.

But now all I can think about how handy that option is. Had I lost everything I think I would've just called it a night. I now have renewed energy to live.

Chris, I like the silhouette picture. Really cool. The woolly branches are also really cool. I remember seeing some things like that. When I was in Argentina, Joleen, Cornélie and I went hiking in the Tierra del Fuego National Park ( Tierra del Fuego, of course). Amazing. Beautiful. Oregon must be great. The view from your photos looks spectacular.

Sarah, weird about Alice in Wonderland. I know very little of the plot, as I have never consciously watched the movie or read the book. Sounds like an interesting little detail though. I'm thinking that a lot of writers would probably be likely to do the same thing. They all impart some type of bias (their voice) into their writing anyway.

Classes are going well for me. I'm keeping busy. Amy's class actually isn't too bad yet. I'm going to attribute that to not actually having to write anything yet. We had to write a poem for class today about misusing words. It took me about 20 minutes in total to write it, I will post it on here in a few days, if I remember. It's not too good, and there are a lot of puns that you guys probably won't get, unless you've read the "little book" by Strunk and White. My poem is about a sexual encounter between a man and woman, I guess you could say it's a quasi-rape poem.

Salting brought up an interesting point today in class. He said something about language not applying to logicical, mathematical thought. Sullivan was talking about life as applied to logic and scientific thought in Brave New World. I guess it never fails, we talk about what we know, and it all ends up being related in some form or another.

If you guys haven't read BNW, that's my book recommendation for the week. I'm going to start putting my recommendations up weekly. My previous books recommendation that I never formerly posted was Ulysses. You must read that, friends.

Oh yeah, just found this out today... Luc Chinwongs is a master's student at NDSU now. He's teaching Comp 110. Looks like someone else from our class is hopefully doing something worthwhile now. Perhaps you're not the only hope for us, Sarah, but that doesn't mean that you can start slacking now...

And, Erik, I trust you're having a good time, you lucky bastard.


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