Saturday, September 18, 2004

hello everyone,

i have been guilty of the crime that on my families blog we call "lurking" in which i faithfully check the blog eveyrday but never write. i guess one reason is this. I've never been very good at poetry, and in fact know little about what makes one poem good and one bad. Throughout college there were times when i would just have to take the professors word that yes, this was a good poem. So I hesitate to comment on poems, because all i know to say really is this is good, or this is bad. I've often thought that if I were chums with Cummings or Ginsberg I probably would have told them their poetry sucked and deprived the world of a couple of good ole yarns (and one kick as Rage Against the Machine rendition).

anyways, i am here, and doing well. I come back to nodak on oct 4th or 5th or something, and then leave the 6th on a roadtrip with some buddies to the redwoods in california for a camping trip. I have a phone interview on wednesday for a job i applied to in Steamboat Springs colorado. I scratched the Hawaii idea for a winter snowboarding instead...

It sure was a great feeling a couple weeks ago when i realized that school was indeed afoot in more civilized places of the world and that I was not attending! damn, nice. Kris, We should get together for a drink (are you 21 yet?) when i'm back in nd...I will be back around the 17th of oct. until the beginning of november or so.
Chris, things sound exciting for you. I bet theres some kick ass snowboarding in oregon, i hope you take advantage while you can...(before the kids come i mean)
Sarah, i am sure you doing fine, coming down with communicable diseases and complaining about doing terrible on tests that you ace. heh

anyways, i truly apologize for not writing more, i have been reading and love to hear from everyone.

take care



Blogger K said...

Glad to see you're still alive. Lurking, but alive.

Yes, we shall definitely have to hook up and have a few beers or something like that when you're in town. I don't know if you have any preferred places at all, but I'd be more than willing to drive and you could tank yourself (just as long as you're not too rowdy--which I've heard is a common thing--heh) and we could carouse.

Who cares if you're not good at poetry? You don't have to post about poetry. You can write short stories, you can update us with your life. I don't actually post comments on here, I e-mail them to Chris because I know that people don't really care to read those comments. Just read the stuff and let it be at that.

Heh about the tests. That's hilarious. I hate people who do that--complain and then get a stellar grade.

I do hope to see more posts of yours Erik, and Sarah, and Chris. Gotta keep this thing living.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Linger said...

Hey lurkers (hehehehe),

Well, personally just as long as you know you are reading that's cool with me. I agree with Kris, "Who cares if you're not [']good['] at poetry?" Hey if you liked it let me know, if you didn't, speak your beef dude.

Anyways, I am about to post another poem. A longer one dealing with the book of Revelations and the feeling before, during and after...depending on your beliefs.

Snowboarding. Ahhh, snowboarding. I guess Mt. Hood at Timberling already opened up this last weekend, so I could have gone if I wasn't sick and not seriously broke. I have a feeling snowboarding might traverse right past me this season financially. It is a shame!

Good to hear your at least lurking.


11:22 AM  

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