Saturday, October 23, 2004

hey guys, sounds like much is happenin for you guys! great to hear.

Chris i have some disturbing news... a couple weeks ago a couple of friends and i drove out to northern california and went backpacking in the redwoods, we stayed both on the way there and on the way back at .....get this....beaverton....our buddy lives there man we probably pulled into your driveway to turn around when we were lost heh...anyways, knew you lived in oregon, knew you lived in the portland suburbi's, just forgot it was beaverton... anyways the trip was excellent, despite my failed attempts to locate four leaf clovers or hallucinegenic (sp?) mushrooms. move to colorado on nov 13th hang out till then.
Kris, theres a big wu show at playmakers on halloween they kick ass you should go. heh sarah, i hope all goes well in iowa glad to hear you're getting along there.


Blogger Linger said...


It's too bad you didn't call. I have not hung out with a dude for months. Just offense to the opposite sex or my wife for that matter, but I think everyone knows what I mean.

Anyways, yep I live in Beaverton. And a quick digression to rap up: Billy Corgan is reading from his book of "poetry," at a local Powell's Bookstore. I've read one of his poems and I thought 'twas quite trite. But since he is Billy, I thought I should make an appearence if I am not working. What do you all think? Should I support a musician who thinks they can make the transition to non-lyrical writing? Or will Corgan be another Jewel?

Whatchyall think?



7:21 PM  
Blogger K said...

"big wu" - never heard of them. i think i will have to stop in, if, for nothing else, then to see a drunken erik running around hitting on the chicks. schmoozing with the ladies. tipping back some beers. tipping back some cigs.

what're you going to be doing in CO?

5:45 PM  

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