Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Erik's Dead! and Happy New Year!

Sup everyone,

Erik, I certainly hope that you are not dead, but blog-wise, you certainly have flatlined. Although, I do know how tough it can be to get to a computer if one does not have the oh-so comfy and convenient access at home.

Kris, I am sorry there wasn't a caddy under the tree this year. The question is what color is the caddy of your dreams? I still have not had a chance to sit and go through your paper. I've been reading Graham Greene's "The Power and the Glory." I bought it for Capstone and we never got to it, so I finally picked it up. Oh that pitiful whiskey priest. Anyways, I am also editing one of my friends' Master's thesis, so that is chewing up some free time. I intend on diving into the world of Optimality later this week.

We should definitely get Robert on the blog. We simply need to reanimate Erik.

Sarah, are you dead too?

Christmas was good and relaxing, and different. No snow, no relatives. It was just Laura, Miko and me sitting by our roaring fire, (we have a fireplace). We got some gifts in the mail so we opened them and we also made a big ole fancy dinner; Shrimp and Asparagus pasta with a nice white sauce--made from scratch of course. Laura also made a cherry pie. Good times.

For New Years, we went to some friends' house and about 4 of us married couples hung out and played games and such. We played that new DVD game called "Scene It." The game is more dynamic than the commercials make it out to be. There are multiple categories, rather than the "what movie is this scene from?" I recommend it.

I have not heard back from OPB aka PBS. I am going to call them tomorrow to get the (bad) news. Not losing hope, I applied for a "Book Researcher" position with the Goodwill Bookstore stationed in Hillsboro, OR; I guess I would work in their Ebook Dept. I just sent my resume in yesterday (01/03/05). It pays slightly more than the Rite Aid warehouse job, plus it's not a warehouse job.

I've been brainstorming for Chapter 3 and also editing my 2nd chapter with the help of Kris' comments. ;-) And one more item to note, I just tutor now at SEI. I decided I couldn't handle planning the class, since the warehouse job ate up all my time and energy. So now, I mainly help high schoolers with their Algebra (lately Logs) and Chemistry. Sometimes I get lucky and help someone with their English assignments, but they rarely have the patience to work with me. Go figure.

Well, I feel as though I've blogged enough for now. Even though my last posting of my writing produced no response I shall post the third chapter when it is finished.

Have fun, be young, drink pepsi.

The Chris Man


Blogger K said...


Glad to see that someone still has blood pumping through the veins...

I shall await ChIII of your novel when you finish it. Just e-mail it to me. Perhaps, if Sarah hasn't read the other two chapters, you could put them all into one Word document. ;-)

So, you have the internet now?

The caddy of my dreams is a 1997 blue Caddy Seville. I remember seeing it one time when I was in high school, and I just wanted it. It has a tremendously long hood, but other than that, it is a pretty normal-looking car.

Since last we spoke, I've read:

"The God of Small Things" (Arundhati Roy)
"Grimus" (Rushdie)
"Godric" (Buechner, if my memory serves)
"Shame" (Rushdie - in progress...)

And I skimmed a book of poems by Wendell Berry, too. That was okay - it was a lot of nature poems. Just the normal stuff, I guess. Nothing too splendid. As I recall, it was all free verse. Berry's 100 Best or something like that. Hmm.

I'm going to leave it at that now. No point replying to everything you wrote. If I did, we'd have nothing to argue about in the future. ;-)

7:26 PM  
Blogger Linger said...


Nice Caddy.

I have read significantly less. On top of almost finishing "The Power and the Glory," I bought Stephen Crane's book of compiled poetry. I can't get enough of his concise, yet dramatic style lately. I gave up on Haley's "Roots." I thought the content and plot was beyond interesting, but his writing style continuosly took me out of the conext of the book. Bluntly, I hated his writing style. Erdrich's "The Beet Queen" is on deck.

Oh, getting back to the caddy with a related topic; My grandpa owns a old school Lincoln Continental. Dude, it rivals the Titanic. You got have a party in the trunk and have a tea party in the front seat. I have only had the pleasure of driving it once; to the supermarket with my grandma. It was fun parking that sucka.

Well, I gots to go. I just got done tutoring at SEI. Helped with some Quadriatic Factoring, Mass by composition in Chemistry, and another student had to rewrite the Declaration of Independence in their own words......sheesh. I am tired but Laura taped my favorite show "Lost," so I will watch that and then go to work as a zombie tomorrow.

Well, peace.

The Chris Man

8:06 PM  
Blogger K said...

I've been a reading storm over break. The sad thing is - I feel that I should've read a couple more books in the allotted time. I have a whole crap load of books I would like to have read, but they just take too long. I'm slowly attacking the horde of Rushdie books I own (I bought 4 for $10.00 in an online auction). Other than that, the going is slow.

The caddy is blue, Chris. Sorry for not calling recently. I was going to the other night, and it's far too late tonight. I imagine your husbandly/wifely things are done for the night and you're sleeping, though.

I read something today that Beaverton is the home of Nike. Gross. (The thing I was reading was anti-corporations--a book that Robert loaned me.)

What is the Master's Thesis about?

How did you like the OT? ;-) Heh.

ERIK! ERIK! ERIK! (I fear the worst.)

11:30 PM  

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