Sunday, January 23, 2005

a triumfant return?

i realize my last post was somewhat abbreviated couldn't be helped. I have recently figured out how to get online on the computers we work on all day so have this chance to write a little longer.

I'm still hangin out in steamboat springs, likin it alot actually. the same cannot be said for my roomate/friend Pat, he moved out here with me from fargo, and really hated his job. then he got a call from the Red Lobster managers (where he used to work) and get this...they are flying him back to fargo, paying the rest of his lease, and giving him a 2 dollar raise. so he's outty five thousand on wednesday.

I haven't been writing too much these days. but i have been reading, a couple books on fly fishin, and mark twains conneticut yankee story. recently i've gone to some fluff just to take a break and read a short series by piers anthony, quite refreshing.

things are going good out here, i'm trainin for manager stuff, and already have a job for the summer working outside for a landscaping/construction comp. i'm looking at purchasing a condo out here...kinda getting sick of paying rent to fat white people.

Chris, when i get a chance I'll definetly read your story you're workin on, i just heard about it today. it sounds like you have some cool jobs in the wings, hope everything works out there.

Kris, are you done this spring or what? if not, how come? any plans for after the big G?

Sarah, i'm proud of you workin your ass off in iowa. I know you feel like you don't know what you're doing but one thing betsy said to me always stuck, she told me one day that there were a lot of people in her doctorate program who were not really that intelligent, and that the people who suceed are the ones who put forth the effort. i just hope when i get the itch to go back to school i can buckle down a little more than i did during my undergrad.

I also invited robert on the blog, i sent it to his hotmail account so i hope he is checking that one now. anyway hope to see him on one of these days.

alrighty guys, i'm glad i will be able to keep up with the blog now. talk to you all soon



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