Saturday, July 31, 2004


thanks for catchin up, your thoughts are very well formulated, as for
*First, "the title [Agenbite of Inwit] (originally spelled "Ayenbite of Inwyt") means 'the remorse of conscience', literally, 'the again-biting of inner wit'."*

I must humbly admit i do not understand the source or meaning of this sentence, nor how it applies to my statement. If you could be so kind and explain these things, I would appreciate it. gratz


Catching Up.

First, "the title [Agenbite of Inwit] (originally spelled "Ayenbite of Inwyt") means 'the remorse of conscience', literally, 'the again-biting of inner wit'."

Second, I need to catch up. Maybe I'm just making this up, but I'm pretty sure I remember Russia having something like 30,000-some nukes at the heart of their days in "power" - I wonder what happened to those nukes that so drastically reduced their arsenal? Did they destroy them? Regardless, there still is a mass quantity of DU somewhere in Russia, to be sure. Perhaps what happened to it is the same thing that happened to a nuclear storehouse (that the UN knew about, mind you) that was left all but defenseless during the official days of the war in Iraq. (March 2003.) I think the U.S. had something like 20,000 nukes, too. Where those are, I'm not sure? I should look up a link to at least corroborate this, but I'm more willing to just trust my memory, no matter how flaky it is.

Third, there are a lot of positively terrible books that make best sellers. Just look at anything by Stephen King. (Just kidding Erik, no need to put me on a hit list.) Or anything that contains the initials KJV or NIV. (Just kidding Chris, nor do you.) Or anything by...Susan Powter, 80's fitness guru? (Sorry, Sarah, couldn't think of anything that might engage some higher-level thinking on your part, something that I could attribute to just you.) Honestly, what disturbs me more is America's preponderance with all things mental health (e.g. Dr. Phil--is that even his name?) and dietary.

Fourth (and forth!), fly fishing sounds like an excellent pastime. Enjoy it while you can, Erik. I bet you must eat salmon about every other meal up there. And I bet it's delicious.

Fifth, I can scarcely go two days without checking my e-mail, Chris. Any time away from it for that long is honestly like "roughing it" - I would rather not have any warm clothes in the winter than go without my (or someone else's) computer.

Sixth, times for politics (or pollutics, of which I am rather fond)--I'm dividing up this bullet (...right...) into sections because it's easier for me that way.

Sarah said:
I do believe that it is used to increase our fear for purposes of
support for our government leaders and anti-foreign country sentiment (not
totally sure what that means but it sounded good and I went with it).

This sounds like something Michael Moore would say to me. I do agree with it, though. Nothing like a war would get accomplished without someone being scared. I read something today about how democrats like to justify wars in terms of stopping genocide, wheres Republicans are more about stopping the proliferation of WMDs (in the article it says those used against Israel). Coincidentally, the article also predicts which country will be the next to be attacked--Iran (republicans) or Sudan (democrats). Here's the link, if anyone cares:

Disclaimer for the sake of argument, prolonging anti foreign government sentiment might apply to all nations on the earth save one: Israel. Must not have anti-foreign feelings about that one.

"Anti-American" is something that I am called from time to time. I've even been told that I should "just leave." If everyone who was anti-war left, this country would fall apart. Where would the troops to fight the never-ending wars come from? ;-) "News to the beautiful people--there are more of us than there are of you." (Sorry--egregious misplacement of allusion to the Revenge of the Nerds. I apologize.)

Erik said:
i find it difficult to say that the american abroad and at home
is as safe now as 5, 10, or 20 years.
I agree with this. However, you must take into consideration things that others feel to the United States, if you even try to make this argument any more sound. (I realize that you left it basically blank, and probably wanted to keep it that way. I'm just trying to raise another point here, though.) Noam Chomsky (revolutionary linguist, "anti-American") would probably argue something about how the U.S. has treated other nations abroad, ...exploitation due to the outsourcing of jobs, ousting governments (Sandanistas in Nicaragua for instance), installing dictators (Shah in Iran), supporting Hussein during the Iraq/Iran war. It's all in the name of whatever is in the best interest of the nation.

I'm not saying there is any justification in beheading people, flying planes into buildings, bombing trains, but I'm also not saying that there's justification in 10 years of sanctions that kills 500,000 (due to lack of food/medicine) in Iraq.

Take it all as you will.

I feel personally that if science could unlock the secret inner
workings of a single human being, then all would be revealed.

Easy, Erik, refer to the first thing that I posted in this entry.

Seventh, my address is: 3511 19th St South

Eighth, and I still am (interminably) in Fargo, ND 58104.


If any of you know of someone that wants a sweet guitar for a sweet price tell them to go check out my Epiphone G400 Les Paul Custom on ebay.....



The Chris Man

Friday, July 30, 2004

hey yall,

sarah, how refreshing it is to talk pollutics with you again.
I must disagree with you though about the rise of terrorism in the world today. true, there has always been and always will be terrorism in the world, as long as there are smaller factions forced to fight against a stronger more sophisticated entity this will never change. But with car bombs killing 60 people at a time, train bombings killing hundreds and beheadings on the nightly news i find it difficult to say that the american abroad and at home is as safe now as 5, 10, or 20 years ago. What is scary about the terror attacks in the past 2 years is that they are frequently being justified, defended or minimized by a growing number of governments and people. However, looking only at the effect will never lead to an understanding of the cause. This problem is not a new one, and to find it's cause one would have to look past the Bushes, past the Regeans, and past the Trumans. I feel personally that if science could unlock the secret inner workings of a single human being, then all would be revealed.

to chew on...

ps. chris and everyone else, my address is 509 arnold ave portland nd 58274 and the phone nbr is 701 788 3426 (my parents addy and number).

will write more later

thanks for contributing everybody love to hear from you all

Correction to "Grrrrrrrrrr..."

What I initially heard on the news was that **Blank** Simpson's autobiography sold over 400,000 copies in it's first week of sales. I looked into it. Jessica Simpson has a evil sister who plays that pop-punk, rock-and/or-roll and that sister's name is Ashlee Simpson. Her album is titled, "Autobiography."

I guess the most coveted song-writers and producer (who shall be left unknown in the article, but I looked up. His name is John Shanks (Sheryl Crow, Melissa Etheridge, Alanis Morrissette)) worked on her album.......sheesh! The producer claims she co-wrote the whole album, aka the songwriters watched her life on MTV reality shows. So much time, effort and money into a Simpson chick....all I ask is WHY AMERICA, WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

On a lighter note:

Erik, you be fly-fishing! I envy you a bit; that is an awesome past-time. Have fun, be young, and drink (insert beverage).
Everyone should put their addresses on the blog so I can randomly send you guys and gal letters and such. Laura and I are moving the 17th of August to Portland, OR. We rented the Uhaul trailer yesterday (6'x12'x5'5''). I'll put my address as soon as I can on the blog.

I'm not sure when we will have access to the internet, which sucks BIG, cause I'm an addict when it comes to email checking.

I wrote a poem a couple days ago, which Kris has already tapped into and given me some feedback...It wasn't finished when he read it, so hopefully it has improved since the last...I'll post it in a few days, I only have a few more hours to put in at work so the weekend shall be open to write a bit :-)

Keep the blog alive.


The Chris Man

(p.s. this post ended up going longer than originally planned:-)

Thursday, July 29, 2004

first off, didn't even know J. Sis had an autobio comin out, is she even 30 yet? 

cool info on the nukes guys.  It is a scary to think about all the nukes out there, but I find that with the rise of terrorism, I am more concerned with a bomb in a car, or under a coat.  What must it be like to live with the constant threat of random murder?   Perhaps the threat of nuclear weapons is like the lion at the edge of the village, a recognized danger whose apparent innaction has breeded flippancy? 

hard to think...been learning how to fly becoming obsessed.

Grrrrrrrrr, America can sure be dumberererest

Yeah, quick blog.....

Jessica Simpson's autobiography sold 400,000 fricken copies in it's first week...........I'm quite disturbed at this stat.


The Chris Man

Monday, July 26, 2004

Chris and Kris' Nuke Inventory Conversation Cont'd

Hello All,

Kris and I met and spoke about various world issues and one of the topics was nuclear proliferation and such.....well, I was not aware that certain countries had achieved such power: China, Israeal, India, and especially North Korea.....I have known that they all want nukes, but I had no idea until Kris informed me......

Then I stumbled upon this article on MSN (of all places).....Below is the gist of it:

"According to information compiled by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, an organization devoted to monitoring the status of the nuclear threat worldwide, nine countries had nukes by April 2004. The nine countries are listed below. Each figure includes the approximate number of both tactical and strategic bombs (nuclear and thermonuclear, or "big" and "really humongous").

Country                                  Warheads

United States                         10,455
Russia                                      8,400
China                                        400
France                                     350
Israel*                                     250
United Kingdom                     200
India**                                    65
Pakistan**                              40
North Korea***                      8
TOTAL                                    20,168

Asterisks explained
* Israel has a policy called "nuclear opacity" or "nuclear ambiguity," which consists of refusing to confirm or deny that it has nuclear weapons at all. In 1986, however, whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear weapons worker, published pictures of nuclear weapons facilities in Israel. Today, experts agree that Israel has between 100 and 300 warheads (and Israel doesn't deny it).

** India and Pakistan both admit (boast?) that they have weapons, but are cagey about how many. Estimates for India run from 40 to 90 and for Pakistan from 30 to 50.

*** North Korea is anybody's guess. At the end of 2003, U.S. intelligence experts were surmising it had three bombs, but four months later they tentatively raised their estimate to eight. They also said North Korea is geared up to build about six bombs a year from here on out.

In short, there are now some 20,000 fully operational nukes pointed at someone in this world."

Freakin' nuts I tell yas.......Freakin' nuts!


The Chris Man

Thursday, July 22, 2004

hey guys, woo new font!   pretty!

Kris thnx for the comments, they all get emailed to me automatically so it's like i'm getting emails...exciting for one in the frozen north!

i want to clear up the preposition statement that has created some stir amongst the natives...  the context was

"tackle some of the writing points we feel uncomfortable in (like choosing the correct prepositions :)"  

'in' being the nasty preposition that caused so much confusion.  I agree with kris as he touts the fluidity of language used by Joyce and Kerouac and believe that breaking rules is how new rules get made, but it is important to be going somewhere when you leave the beaten path, I too often find myself breaking the rules of 'fine lit-er-a-ture' out of lazyness or ignorance in which case a quick slap on the wrist is what i deserve. 

kris, about my plans, i'll be home for a bit at the beginning of october till nov or so.  its either colorado or maui next...already been to steamboat, but got a friend moving there and would be cool to live with him.  but alot of people who work up here go to work in maui on the whale watchin boats down there and i will know a bunch of people living there who could help me get a job.  so we'll find out.

talk later all


About Chris's third draft of Colorless, Odorless

Comments are in the same order as the story.  If I had Office XP, I would just send you a commented copy of your paper, but as I don't have any MS Office on my computer right now, that's an impossibility.  Oh well.  Parts bolded are great or things to pay attention to.

Here goes:

I like "dirty dishes clutter kitchen tops, tables, stained sofa cushions" - I feel the sentence falls apart as you make it more complicated than the blast of adjectivals, though.  "...which complement blahblahblah" - I guess I feel that is colorless, odorless, whereas the first part of the sentence

"Crumbs decorate..." - what crumbs?  "Crumbs" could be anything.  When you re-write this, I want it blasted with more details, no matter how stupid they may sound.
"topped with smothered cigarettes" sounds good.

Weird she has a breast pocket.  And even weird she stores her smokes there.
"leans back into the futon" - Kind of drab description.  Bland, I guess.  Not flashy enough. 
Sounds like tired description.  I guess it is a tired thing to do, though.

What does "abreactive" mean? doesn't list it.  (Please post the definition in the comments part on this for me.)

"with the pain of not really feeling" - I want more here.  (This comes after the first phone call in that paragraph.)

"Once again, her thumbs shoot up the dial pad, absolving any sense of numbness." - Thumbs?  When was the last time you used the phone with two thumbs?  "Absolve = set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt" - is this the right word?

In phone conversation number three, I want to hear something like "Do you remember me?" - I think that would be funny.  I think my 5am eyes saw that while buzzing through it.  Heh.

“Twila, you’re done!” - Would she really say this?  Might think it.  Not say it.  Unless you have her talking to herself prior to this, it might work now, but she seems like it's just all (or not at all) going on inside her head.  (See paragraphs between phone calls for what I'm getting at here.)

2nd to last paragraph:  I don't really like the word "scurries."  She seems to have more resolve than that to me.  She's not so fickle in her actions to me.  More purposeful.  But then again, she does make three phone calls, using her thumbs, and just has the aura of disgust.  I guess it works.  Just a personal thing probably.

"butt from the ashes" - I know you don't know much about smoking, but this revolts me.  It really does.  I'm thinking that it does the same for Erik.  A butt from the...ashes.  Worst possible thing.

What else is she doing on the computer?  What is she waiting for?  More songs?  Someone to talk to online?  Her boyfriend to come?  Thinking of love?   I kind of want to hear what this girl is thinking about more.  You don't really give too much.  There's the phone calls and the parts leading up to that.  Perhaps you're going for that. 

Funny...there are probably things that I said on the first draft of this that are contradictory to what I'm saying now.  Oh well.  Just have fun with it.  And if you're discouraged about my comments just wait until I have a short story up for you to belittle.  ;-)  (That is not to mean that I'm belittling yours; it's just constructive, that's all.)

Saturday, July 17, 2004

some quick adjustments

Sup everyone,

Let's start with, i reread Erik's post about my revision and I finally realized what his comment on prepositions was referring to....I freakin' missed and messed up that oh so important end of the first paragraph.....I intially wrote, "on the keyboard of the computer," and it occured to me the non-stupido way of saying that would be, "particularly the computer keyboard."

Man I can sure pull off some good grammar blunders on occassion!  And Erik, if you were referring to something on a much larger/small scale, just let me know ;-)

Also, another "QUICK adjustment" is the rapid-fire movement of life. Laura and I will be moving to Portland, OR this mid-to-end of august. She was accepted into the graduate program at George Fox University, so now we are scrambling to plan our move!!!!!

I just finished my last class at NDSU, Arguementation & Debate, this last Friday (7-16-04). If there is one thing I learned is that I am freakin awesome at Cross Examination! I butchered my
opponents....'twas grand! I think I was inspired by my years of watching Law &Order.

My plan of action out in Portland is to find a JOB, JOB and then volunteer my writing/editing services at a local organization to not only gain experience, but get involved in the first place.

Love to hear what's going on in your dudette and dudes' lives. Drop the blog bomb!

Missing my English fellows, both mind and soul,

The Chris Man

Friday, July 09, 2004


beautiful chris, my best wishes on your new education


Wedding Photos Online!

dudes and dudettes,

If anyone is interested me and Laura's wedding pics are available for viewing and purchase at

Also, 15% of your purchase will go directly into the "Chris and Laura: We need some money" fund. jk :-) I don't expect any purchases, but feel free to browse.


The Chris Man

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

hey everyone, thanks for keepin the blog up and runnin while i've been so silent. It is hard to write here on the computer since the laptop must remain plugged into the phone jack which is in the living room right next to the television, with 7 people living in the house it is a rare time when there is not someone talking or the tv is on. things go good here, things fall apart and are tenuously replaced yaddah yaddah yaddah, saw my first sea monster yaddah yaddah yaddah, got real drunk yaddah yaddah yaddah. I will write more later,

Chris read over your story just now, it is poignant for me as I find myself in the same situation as the woman in your story, clingy and smoking too much. I do find a underlying sense of tension in your story, of borderline panic, and i like that. If i remember correctly the first version of the story i think you've made some good revisional decsions, seems pretty tight, less is more, less is more, less is more. and you know i love the closure!! I think maybe it would be beneficial for us to challenge ourselves and tackle some of the writing points we feel uncomfortable in (like choosing the correct prepositions :) maybe you could write a snippet of what happens when the boyfriend does come over there is so much going on whenever love (or it's pinata)is present.

talk to all

once again thanks for writing everyone, i love to hear you all,

3rd draft - Colorless, Odorless

Hey friends,

I just finished another drafting of that short story I wrote just b4 school finished. I'd appreciate some feedback to certain elements I added to the story. If you have questions just let me know..... Thanks :-)

Here it goes, just like this:

Colorless, Odorless
By Chris Lindgren

The View blares from the kitchen TV competing with Amy Grant’s distorted voice from the bedroom. Dirty dishes clutter kitchen tops, tables, stained sofa cushions, which complement the litter of soiled clothes throughout the apartment. Crumbs decorate the furniture, particularly the keyboard of the computer that rests on the desk beside the futon.
She sits at the edge of the futon staring at the computer screen. A wave of smoke rises from the plastic bowl cupped in her right hand as her left hand stuffs another Marlboro Red into the wasteland of ash, topped with smothered cigarettes. Her eyes anticipate Twila Paris’ song, Destiny to finish downloading.
Her hand searches for another cigarette, only to find the last pack empty in her breast pocket. She leans back into the futon, setting the cereal bowl on the peak of her belly. Her eyes find the mix of gray and black discoloring the once redness of the bowl. A numbing sense of boredom begins to pulsate in the back of her head. She thinks of Janice’s phone number.
Her butt lifts as she reaches for the cordless phone buried in the right pocket of her sweats. The bowl rolls down the decline of her belly and trips off her crotch onto the carpet.
“Goddamnit!” She pumps herself up, kicking the bowl, stomping her feet into the ashes as the pulsation evolves, ripens, pops into a mature fuzz of rage.
The phone rings. Her back straightens, body springs. “Hello!?”


“Oh, hey bro. How ya doing?”


“Whatchya been up to?”


“Guess what James.”

“Guess what.”


“How’d you know?”


“He loves me and I love him. We’re happy. We really are.”


“Yeah, he makes me happy. I love him.”


“Oh, okay. I love you.”


“When can I call you?”


“Oh, okay. Bye.”
Her thumb thumps the Talk button releasing an abreactive blister, swelling in the back of her mind. This fuzz, this blurry rage leaves her with no upshot, no hints of beginnings and endings, only with the pain of not really feeling. Again, her thumb thumps the Talk button and her thumbs crudely dance across the dial pad, mashing keys with an artful innuendo.


“Hi, Janice. How are you?”


“So, whatchya been up too?”


“Guess what Janice? I got a new boyfriend! His name’s Mike.”


“Yeah. He’s so nice to me. He loves me.”


“Yeah. We’re happy. Are you happy for me?”


“Oh, thanks. Yeah, we love each other.”


“Oh, okay. When’s a good time to call you?”

“Oh, okay. Bye Janice.”
She stands still within the ashes, staring into the dial pad waiting for the motley sense, the effervescent, shrill feeling of nothing. It always comes and goes, but the unique potion, pill, and self-prescriptive sedative lies within empty words. Once again, her thumbs shoot up the dial pad, absolving any sense of numbness.


“Hi honey! How are you?”


“I miss you. Do you miss me?”


“Can you come pick me up? I’m ran outta Reds.”


“But I need more reds. I feel depressed. I need some smokes.”


“You said you’d pick me up. Don’t you love me?”


“What’s happening to us dear?”


“I don’t have anyone. Everyone hates me! I’m going to kill myself. No one will care!”


“Really, you’ll come over? I love you so much. Do you love me?”


“Oh, okay. Bye honey.”
She taps the Talk button and stuffs the cordless back into her pocket. Her feet still nested within the ashes. The computer chimes.
“Twila, you’re done!”
She scurries over to the computer smearing the ashes into the carpet. She scrolls down the screen and right-clicks on Amy Grants, Love of Another Kind and clicks the command for its transfer, then clicks the command for Destiny to begin.
She walks back over to the pile, picks up the bowl and sits back down at the computer. She pulls out her lighter and pulls out a butt from the ashes. Her lips wrap around what’s left of the cigarette as she takes a drag. The red tip of the Marlboro fades back into the inevitable gray. She cups the bowl in her hand and sits at the edge of the futon, grabbing the next butt within the bowl. In between drags, she sings her song, all the while staring at the computer screen; waiting.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Crutched to the Pacific and Back

So I just got back from Portland, and BOOM! the blog be alive! I like it. Anyways, the misfortune that is my ankle injury didn't stop me from enjoying my time with Laura in Portland, OR.

We stayed at the 5th Ave. Suites which was also housing the remaining members of the Grateful Dead. Never ran into them, oh well, much too much to do with Laura.....Lindgren, muuuaaaaa hahahahahaha! We checked out the local Portland scene and then on the second day we took the local MAX Light Rail over to the Japanese Gardens and neighboring Rose Gardens. I'll spare ya'll the details, but just to let you know it was quite the hike with crutches, yet much worth the workout. We then rode back to the Center Square and "recooped" for the next day of travel.

We then rented an Explorer and went westward towards the Pacific. Oregon, if you didn't know, is home to numerous vineyards, so within the beautiful valleys bordered by mountains are family vineyards who offer free taste testing. The only drawback to this idea is that mundane detail/law known as drinking and driving, darn! :-(

We simply enjoyed each other's company. We have not had that kind of time together for a long time and I cherished every second.

Oh ya, we went to a sweet Powell's Boookstore and I just recently finished my borrowed copy of Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5, so I picked up a copy of Rushdie's, Fury and man is it reading good so far. The crazy thing about the book is Rushdie's insight to city life and the exact same ideas I had as soon as I started crutching around the city. Just meant to be I guess :-)

Anyways, gotta go to the bathroom now. TTYS

The Chris Man